Tuesday, October 15, 2013

Blog About Twitter

Twitter has revolutionized the way we communicate in the modern world. In the past it would take weeks or even months for mail to be delivered across the borders. Now it will just take a few seconds to send a message out to everyone that follows you. Twitter can be used in different ways depending on the environment or situation you're using it for. For instance, Twitter can be used in a school environment such as the CIS online course that we are taking right now. We are using Twitter for an easier way to communicate with one another in the class. We get constant updates of when a person in the class post a tweet and be able to reply it quickly.

Twitter also make some people, creative. Unlike typical e-mails where you can type as long as you want, the messages known as "tweets" on Twitter, are only limited to 140 characters. So users have to choose their words wisely and be able to send out the message behind those words. Also, a lot of users use Twitter to spread awareness of something. Such as hash tags, where you are able to constantly get up to date news from all over the world if a user wrote something with that particular hash tag.

Unlike Blackboard discussion, using Twitter is particular more fun and interesting. You're able to see all your classmates posts and comments all in a single page while Blackboard you have to click it individually one by one which is pretty annoying. Also you can't hash tag something, to see all the same topic posts, we have to create new threads for each topic. While in-class discussions, it is fun to have a conversation with one another but it's a hassle to remember everything. Humans aren't great at mulch-tasking, so it's hard to communicate with one another and copy everything down at the same time.

To me, Twitter actually has a lot of perks, that I don't particular use. If you're in the professional world where everything is fast paced, I think it's a great idea to have a Twitter to keep up to date with all the things that are around you. You can also use Twitter to stalk a celebrity, since they are always constantly tweeting what they are doing.

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