Tuesday, October 15, 2013

Social Networking Sites

Facebook is the most widely used social media website in the world. This is also my current top social media website that I use. Majority of the website designs are sleek and simple. It is very easy to navigate through the features. A major plus for using this website is that all your friends or peers uses it so you are constantly able to to contact them when you need them. You can also create group pages to have a community within that group to talk about what's interest that group. Facebook is also a great to market to a specific market when you need to promote something.

Myspace 2.0 looks a lot better than the old Myspace, I got to admit that. But I still won't use it, probably because I'm prejudice against it. But the new Myspace looks so tech-savvy and appealing. I think the social media website is great for Musicians or Artists to promote themselves since it actually start out as a music social media website. I think the features are great too and looks catchy compared to the simple looking Facebook.

Twitter is a great way to communicate with one another fast, when I say fast, I mean FAST. It's basically like texting except you are able to communicate with everybody else in the world unlike texts, where you're able to communicate with one person or few person which looks confusing and complicated. You're also get up to date information with the particular interests you have, just by searching up the hash tag for that particular topic. If you are an attention seeker person, you can tell the whole world what you're doing up to the very second and people can reply back to you.

Tumblr is another social media website that I use often but not as much compared to back then. Tumblr is a great way to advertise or promote something as well. I think majority of the users are teens or young adults. Tumblr is a great way to share cool information or things that you like other people to explore. It is also a great way to advertise yourself on the website if your content deemed cool and people reblog your posts. Tumblr is also like a diary, where you're able to express your thoughts just like a journal onto a post where everybody can see it, or you can set it to private where only people with passwords are able to see it.

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