Monday, October 7, 2013

Social Net'g -Post not finished yet-

Back in the days, people weren't able to communicate with one another who were halfway across the world within few seconds. Companies only way of means to advertise was through television, the radio, or through word of mouth. Then there were social media sites that were created this past 2 decades. Social media websites such as Xanga, Myspace, Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, and lots of more are/were constantly updating their features and layouts to attract more users. Social media websites became a powerful tool today for big corporations as well as small ordinary individuals such as me and you.

There are actually many benefits for having social media websites in today's society. First and foremost it will benefit the social media company itself as the company grows bigger. Corporates can use social media websites for promoting themselves or spread a message to all users of the website. Advertising on a social media is actually cost-efficient and save a lot of company compared to advertising somewhere else. It's actually easy to advertise themselves on a social media website compared to television or other means, because the company can actually specific target their intended demographics for their advertisements on a social media website.

Another benefit coming from social media is job recruitment. In the article, "Social Networking Technology Boosts Job Recruiting" written by Frank Langfitt, talks about how social media can help out job seekers and their potential employers. In the article it said "Such sites also help job hunters market themselves online by setting up profiles, listing work history and specific skills." employers no longer don't need to manually check for every resume that they receive in person or through mail. Social media websites such as LinkedIn automatically filters out all the unnecessary information that they don't need. So it saves time for the employers. Job seekers don't need to go to every firm to apply, they just simply update their information.

As always, there's always a dark side to everything. Social media websites aren't actually safe from everything. In the news article, "BBB: New Wave of Phishing Scams Uses Facebook Info for Personalized Spam", talks about how social media aren't actually safe to use at all. Not everybody use social media websites with good intentions. Now how do hackers grab your information in the first place? The article said "Scammers find your information through Facebook or other social media accounts." Hackers use social media websites to obtain information and try to hack into your personal accounts.

Social media websites are always constantly evolving. Otherwise, hackers will eventually find loopholes to hack your information and sell them to other people or try to hack into your own personal accounts with an ease of a button. Social media will not only improve their security, but also to add more features to retain their users and attract more users. They are always on the move to compete against other websites to gain more money for the company. Social media websites has their pros and cons, but in today's world, I think you will need to be involve with some sort of social media because that's how you're going to be able to communicate with others and stay on top of everything.

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